Enjoy is a Church of House Churches.

STEP ONE: Complete House Church Orientation

House Church Orientation is a 20-minute video that everyone must watch before joining a House Church.  By the end of it, you will understanding what a House Church is, know what is required to be in a House Church, and have healthy expectations for yourself and others as you join a House Church.

STEP TWO:  Choose a House Church

Take a look at the options below and find a House Church you'd like to attend. Not sure? A great place to start is choosing the one closest to you geographically on a day and time that works for you. If you can't find one that works for you, please note that on the form.

STEP THREE: Fill out the form

Fill out the form below so that our House Church pastors can get your information!

STEP FOUR: Wait for a response

Before you attend, wait for a response from the House Church Pastor/Leader. They will reach out to you with directions, send you some more information, and answer any questions you may have.


We need passionate and committed individuals to serve as deacons and hosts for our House Churches. 


We see deacons first appointed in Scripture in Acts 6:2 “And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, "It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables.”  While the job of a House Church pastor is to “preach the word…reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching” (2 Timothy 4:2), the role of a deacon is to serve their House Church through administrative and organizational tasks. 


To have House Churches, we need homes to meet in! As a House Church host, you get the weekly opportunity to practice hospitality and welcome others into your home. If you would like to open your home to meet in, we ask that you make a six month commitment.